Sunday, May 29, 2005

Stop Colonialism!

Great militar show in the city of A Coruña, Galiza (partially autonomous land under the sovereignty of the Spanish Crown). The parades were a pure exhibition of the greatness of the Spanish Armed Forces (smells). Might and power...
One may think whether this kind of events are proper bearing in mind the historical background of Spain and its dominions or not, as it is more reasonable. Or didn't we have enough with centuries of invasion, occupation, denegation of an own government; theft of political, religious and economical power; exploitation, imposed cultural assimilation, linguistic imposition of a foreign language with the prohibition of the use of our own language? Because this has not ended, yet. All the consequences of the Spanish Colonialism and Imperialism (oh, pitty that Spain is no longer an Empire... Sniff!) are still alive and going further if we do not stop it. The recognition of our land as an automous region and of our tongue as co-official are not sufficient. Every land or region must have the right to determination for independence.
We have to be our own rulers.

PS. The show had a particular smell to Franco's times and his exhibitions of might. (RIH!)


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... a pesar de que me indigna tal celebración,
hei de confesar que a estética militar me intriga.
Mais explicarei que non trago con semellante espectáculo. Foi insultante e os comentarios da xente nos telexornais aínda máis.
Semella que ninguén tivese vergonha!

arroaz (Tursiops truncatus) said...

Que quere que lle diga... A min rolo militar sempre me deu mal "rolo" (valla a redundancia)...
Enfin... eu despois do visto na TV, que dicir... Son todos uns lambecús e uns chaqueteiros. Pero se lles fose algo mal a eles, xa verías como se tiraban enriba aos militares e a todo "kiski". Hai cousa duns anos cando o Príncipe veu a Vigo inaugurar o MARCO, case o comen.
Como di miña nai... "por interés baila Andrés".

arroaz (Tursiops truncatus) said...

You're kidding???